How Can I Participate?
Chant/Leyn Torah
Follow these links to find videos of the relevant Torah portion being leyned in Ashkenazi and Sephardi (Northern Moroccan) Nusach - by and for members of the trans Jewish community.
Give a Dvar Torah
Drashim themes:
Joseph the dreamer -- prophetic queerness
Gay azz coat
Getting cast out by family
Amos - Justice
Bilhah and Zilpah
Beauty of Joseph -- transfem -- get into midrash (wore high heels, everyone was attracted to Joseph, etc)
Joseph being left and forgotten in jail -- trans women starting and sustaining movements and then being forgotten as movements progress
Additional Ways to Be Part of the Torah Service
Open the ark
Parade the Torah
Receive an Aliyah / Create Group Aliyot
Prepare blessings for people who are receiving aliyahs
Chant the Haftorah Amos 2:6 - 3:8
Be a gabbai (aka partner with Torah readers, announce aliyot)
Do Hagbahah (lift up the Torah)
Do Gelilah (dress the Torah)